Week 14: Thank You!

This course was nothing like I expected. With a search on RateMyProfessor, I started out with an expectation that this course was a good one and the professor was great. I expected PowerPoint slides and occasional “professor joke” but, I did not expect to be mind blown in most of the classes and truly interested […]

Week 13: What is Going on in This Book?!

We had to have read MP3 by Jonathan Sterne this week and I must say this was the most boring book I have ever read. Yes, even comparing to textbooks. I thought The Shallows was bad but, I was wrong. I really didn’t understand anything from the book like what his point was or what […]

Week 12: Put That Hat Away Jasper!

  We learned about the scientific part of music this week and it was very interesting. I knew music is basically physics with the pitch of a note determining the frequency and that sound travels through air. I think just being reminded of how the certain joys of the world are the basis of science […]