Week 11: Ashamed of Myself

Sampling music was the theme of this week’s classes. I knew what sampling was but, was not aware of the history behind it. The ability for poor DJs and musicians to have the idea of taking parts of different songs and creating a symphonious piece is a work of art and a skill. I have […]

Week 10: Underpaid Teacher v. Wealthy, Resourceful School System

Copyright was the discussion of this week’s lecture and I was kind of excited to dive into the world of ambiguous ownership. The most unsettling discussion this week was about ownership. I think it is really unfair that companies, corporations, institutions, etc. get to own the rights of someone’s craft. The company did not move […]

Week 9: Do I Want Andre or Clark?

This week we only had one class that mainly composed of people explaining what they found through their Digital Scavenger Hunt. I didn’t take many notes on that day but, one thing that was hysterical to me was when professor was referring to different singers and beats being available on GarageBand as “products like seasoning.” […]